(In no particular order)
#5 Black Desert
I included this game because the English version came out in 2016, while the original Korean version released back in 2014. It was nice that an English version got released (mostly because I'm not fluent in Korean). It was also released in Japanese and Russian.
I've been playing this on and off since 2014/early 2015. It's an absolutely gorgeous game, and there are so many different ways to play - from gathering, fishing, hunting, trading, and combat/PVP, to even playing as the many different classes available. And new content is still becoming out. It's not your typical MMO, but that's why I like it; unfortunately, that's also why it's not so popular amongst hardcore MMO players in Korea.
If you still don't know about this game, check out Sectus' videos. He has a few videos on the subject.
#4 Layers of Fear
I've heard a lot of mixed opinions when it came to this game, which is understandable. This isn't a normal horror game. It's more of a "haunted house" style game; nothing is really a threat, and the scares are more visual and atmospheric. And even though it did scare me, the story fascinated me the most. Both the main game and the DLC touched me on a very personal level. Graphically, the game is very cool. Rooms can morph seamlessly while you're in them; whether it be the complete structure of the room, or just the wallpaper and the furniture melting and decaying if a song is played backwards.
#3 Overwatch
It wouldn't surprise me if this is everyone else's #1 game of the year - and honestly I wouldn't blame them. It's not my #1, primarily because I don't play many team vs team(PVP I guess?) multiplayer games (I'm also currently played Rainbow Six: Siege). However, this is the first PVP multiplayer game that I really enjoy either playing with friends or with randoms. Sure, I play Siege a lot, but I only really enjoy Terrorist Hunt.
I really loved that there are so many different play styles and characters that are already unlocked. It didn't take long to find a character that was my go-to character (although I do want to try everyone). And because of this, it's a very easy game to get into. It also seemed that in my short time playing, most people don't take it so seriously. They're there to have fun - unlike with Siege, where you get vote kicked for dieing. All in all, the game has a positive vibe, and people are generally encouraging. It makes me want to try my best and take the time to find the best strategy for the given situation.
#2 The Division
Just like with Overwatch, I got to this game quite late into the year.
I played the beta of the game, and was deeply disappointed. Yet, everyone who had also played the beta - and who continued to play - said that a lot had changed and to try it again. I wasn't convinced (and admittedly, I'm a little stubborn in that respect); but there was a free weekend during December. I was almost instantly turned. I had a ton of fun, either playing with friends or playing by myself. Not to mention, it was on sale, and I was fully convinced to get it. (I still don't think I would've gotten it if it wasn't on sale)
#1 Animal Crossing: New Leaf Welcome Amiibo
Animal Crossing: New Leaf came out back in 2013, but there was a pretty big update this year. This update probably brought back most people who had played before, but hadn't played in a very long time (myself included); and it also brought a lot new people to the game. In my opinion, the game hadn't become stale, but an update was still welcomed. I'm glad they simply updated an existing game, instead of coming out with a new one.
Some of the really fun updates include, amiibo support, campsites (where you can buy some really cute stuff), addition currency (which you can earn doing daily or weekly activities). You are also now able to sit on rocks, and shake trees with something in your hands. Hey, don't judge - that's really cool.
Full update notes here (if you find a more complete list, then please let me know)
My mentions:
Kuma! From Mirror's Edge Catalyst
I absolutely love the Mirror's Edge games, and the only reason why I didn't include it in my top 5, is because I didn't finish the game xD I also didn't get to Deus Ex: Mankind Divided until the 27th xD
Questions/Comments? Do you agree/disagree? Have anything else to add? Have your own top 5? Let me know in the comments.
🎉I hope everyone has a good New Year!🎉